Admin posted on April 9, 2020 02:30

Due to COVID-19, Waggin' Trail Bike Ride is on hold and we will advise of new dates once we are clear of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Please everyone, do what you can to prevent to spread of the virus and stay safe.




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Well once again Waggin' Trail Bike Ride is right around the corner..  Waggin Trail Bike Ride 2020 is gonna be here sooner than you think.  It is Saturday, May 2nd (first Saturday in May).

Last year we had a very good ride (weather was perfect, wll almost perfect) and this year's ride will be even better.  You don't want to miss this great ride...

On-line registration is available at or you can download a printable registration form here

If you use the downloadable/printable registration form, please make your checks out to Hill County Paw Pals and send the check and registration form to Hill County Paw Pals, P.O. Box 1533, Hillsboro, TX 76645

Everyone who registers by April 15th will receive a free T-shirt, so be sure and mark your T-shirt size on the registration form.

Early registration (online prior to the event) is $35.00 for adults and $20.00 for children under 12 (accompanied by an adult).  Registration after April 15th and the day of the event is $40.00 for adults and $20.00 for Children under 12 (accompanied by an adult).  So save a little money and register early.

Quick summary of the planned routes (click on each route for detail route descriptions, maps, etc.):

Bulldog Route (Orange) 95 Mile - 10 rest stops

Greyhound Route (Blue) 65 mile - 7 rest stops

Labrador Route (Green) 41 mile - 4 rest stops

Beagle Route (Yellow) 27 mile - 3 rest stops

Please check by this website periodically for route updates, etc. regards the ride.

This year we will have breakfast burritos available before the ride (by donation) and the usual hamburgers/hotdogs and fixins available after the ride.

Hope to see you (and bring a riding buddy or two with you) at the Waggin Trail Bike Ride 2020, Saturday, May 2nd.


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Admin posted on May 3, 2019 12:10

OK.  The weather is looling good for tomorrow, so, no excuses.  Be there or your gonna miss a really great ride.

See everybody on Saturday.

Don't forget.  Registration starts at 07:30am and the ride "kicks off" at 9am sharp.

It's gonna be a good one...



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wcsmith posted on April 29, 2019 11:59

OK.  Some changes to the 65 and 100 mile routes.  All new information is updated on the website.

TXDOT just the other day, seal coated a portion of FM1243 (wasn't supposed to happen until late May or June) -- that portion south of Hwy 22 down to Hwy171 -- about 6 or so miles.  Don't think it will be good by Waggin' Trail time.

So, the 65 miler is now a 60 miler and the 95 miler is now a 103 miler.  I tried very hard to keep it right at 100 miles but this is the best I could do.

Just as a point of information.  The new 103 miler does a double loop from Irene -- Bynum -- back to Irene.  So you go from Irene south to Malone, then northwest to Bynum, then east to Irene and then do that loop again.  Once back at Irene after the second loop you turn left and go north on FM308 back up to Mertens, then to Brandon and then 8 miles or so to Start/Finish.

For those who might like (60 miles is to short -- 103 miles is to long), if you only do the loop (Irene - Bynum - Irene) once and then turn north on FM308 and back to Mertens, Brandon and Start/Finish, that would be 80 miles (give or take).  That route is fully supported by in-place Rest Stops.

See ya on this Saturday, May 4th.





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Admin posted on February 27, 2019 02:09


Ye Old Waggin-eth Trail Bike Ride-eth (Yea, my King James english needs a bit of work) --  but anyway, Waggin Trail Bike Ride 2019 is gonna be here sooner than you think.  It is Saturday, May 4th (first Saturday in May).

Last year we had a very good ride (weather was perfect) and this year's ride will be even better.  You don't want to miss this great ride...

On-line registration is available at or you can download a printable registration form here

If you use the downloadable/printable registration form, please make your checks out to Hill County Paw Pals and send the check and registration form to Hill County Paw Pals, P.O. Box 1533, Hillsboro, TX 76645

Everyone who registers by April 15th will receive a free T-shirt, so be sure and mark your T-shirt size on the registration form.

Early registration (online prior to the event) is $30.00 for adults and $15.00 for children under 12 (accompanied by an adult).  Registration after April 15th and the day of the event is $35.00 for adults and $20.00 for Children under 12 (accompanied by an adult).  So save a little money and register early.

Quick summary of the planned routes (click on each route for detail route descriptions, maps, etc.):

Bulldog Route (Orange) 95 Mile - 10 rest stops

Greyhound Route (Blue) 65 mile - 7 rest stops

Labrador Route (Green) 41 mile - 4 rest stops

Beagle Route (Yellow) 27 mile - 3 rest stops

Please check by this website periodically for route updates, etc. regards the ride.

This year we will have breakfast burritos available before the ride (by donation) and the usual hamburgers/hotdogs and fixins available after the ride.

Hope to see you (and bring a riding buddy or two with you) at the Waggin Trail Bike Ride 2019, Saturday, May 4th.


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wcsmith posted on May 2, 2018 15:24

OK.  The weather has finally got it's act together and Saturday, May 5th is forecasted for plenty of sun and 2 % chance of rain.  So, no excuses.  Be there or your gonna miss a really great ride.

See everybody on Saturday.

Don't forget.  Registration starts at 07:30am and the ride "kicks off" at 9am sharp.

It's gonna be a good one...






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As I watch the weather forecast for this coming Saturday, May 5th, I see it is not the best weather forecast.  However, over the last week or so, the forecast has changed quite a bit (Thunder storms forecasted, then rain in the AM, then cloudy, and the current forecast calls for a 30% chance of rain with a possible thunderstorm.

However, as we used to say in the Navy -- DAMN THE TORPEDOS, STRAIGHT AHEAD.  That's what we are gonna do.  Come rain or shine, Waggin' Trail will be there.  Registration starts at 7:30am and the ride starts at 9am.

We sincerely hope you will come and join us.  As we have done the past few years, free hamburgers, hotdogs and the fixins will be available around 10:30 - 10:45, with live entertainment as well.

So, see ya this Saturday, May 5th for the "WAGGIN' TRAIL"... 





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Spring is coming -- well actually, with this crazy weather, I'm not sure. Anyway, I am sure that Waggin Trail Bike Ride 2018 is coming and it will be Saturday, May 5th.  Last year we had a very good ride (weather was perfect) and this year's ride will be even better.  You don't want to miss this great ride...

On-line registration is available at or you can download a printable registration form here.  If you use the downloadable/printable registration form, please make your checks out to Hill County Paw Pals and send the check and registration form to Hill County Paw Pals, P.O. Box 1533, Hillsboro, TX 76645

Everyone who registers by April 15th will receive a free T-shirt, so be sure and mark your T-shirt size on the registartion form.

Early registration (online prior to the event) is $30.00 for adults and $15.00 for children under 12 (accompanied by an adult).  Registration after April 24th and the day of the event is $35.00 for adults and $20.00 for Children under 12 (accompanied by an adult).  So save a little money and register early.

Quick summary of the planned routes (click on each route for detail route descriptions, maps, etc.):

Bulldog Route (Orange) 94 Mile - 11 rest stops

Greyhound Route (Blue) 65 mile - 8 rest stops

Labrador Route (Green) 41 mile - 5 rest stops

Beagle Route (Yellow)  27 mile - 3 rest stops

Please check by the periodically for route updates, etc. regards the ride.

Hope to see you at the Waggin Trail Bike Ride 2018, Saturday, May 5th.


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Well I just checked the weather forcast and it is looking real good.  High of 80, kinda cloudy, and maybe a touch of wind.  Not bad...

We have new routes this year for the Bulldog (96 miler) and Greyhound (64 miler).  The website has all the new routes posted and if you download a pdf of the route (Bulldog here, Greyhourd here it will give you turn-by-turn direction arrows.

Printed maps of each route will be available at registration.  The printer maps will have the map route on one side and turn-by-turn directions of the reverse side. 

We will be having hamburgers, hotdogs and all the fix'ins as well as live entertainment again this year in the pavillion behind Start/Finish.

So, it's not to late to tell all your biking buddies what a great ride their gonna miss if they don't show up for the "Waggin' Trail".

See ya this comming Saturday, May 6th.  Resgistration starts at 7:30am with the ride starting at 9:00am.


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wcsmith posted on February 16, 2017 13:02

Spring is coming (well actually, with this crazy weather, seems Spring is already here) and so is the 10th Anniversary Waggin trail Bike Ride.  This year's event will be Saturday, May 6th, 2017  Last year we had a very good ride (weather was perfect) and this year's ride will be even better.  You don't want to miss this great ride...

On-line registration is available at or you can download a printable registration form here.  If you use the downloadable/printable registration form, please make your checks out to Hill County Paw Pals and send the check and registration form to Hill County Paw Pals, P.O. Box 1533, Hillsboro, TX 76645

Everyone who registers by April 15th will receive a free T-shirt, so be sure and mark your T-shirt size on the registartion form.

Early registration (online prior to the event) is $25.00 for adults and $15.00 for children under 12 (accompanied by an adult).  Registration after April 24th and the day of the event is $30.00 for adults and $20.00 for Children under 12 (accompanied by an adult).  So save a little money and register early.

Quick summary of the planned routes (click on each route for detail route descriptions, maps, etc.):

Bulldog Route (Orange) 94 Mile - 11 rest stops

Greyhound Route (Blue) 65 mile - 8 rest stops

Labrador Route (Green) 41 mile - 5 rest stops

Beagle Route (Yellow)  27 mile - 3 rest stops

Please check by the website periodically for route updates, etc. regards the ride.

Hope to see you at the Waggin Trail Bike Ride 2017, Saturday, May 6th.


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Event Sponsors

An organization facilitating the installation
of a county animal control program and promoting and contributing to building a county animal shelter. The strategy of the Hillsboro Police Department’s Community Outreach Programs are to reduce crime by increasing community involvement and developing partnerships with community stakeholders. Hill College




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